Our Team


Digital Wolves Games is a team that consists of 7 members full of very different personalities with unique features, and we are ready to face this challenge in the best possible way.

Each member will speciallisize in a branch during the development of the game:

Marc Latorre

Team Leader

Marc lead the team to make it as cohesive as possible and helped each member to feel relevant for this project. His priority was to make the team work into a clear goal.

Daniel López


Dani has taken care of the code so it was as optimized and clean as possible. He also explained to everyone who needed help with the code so they could work comfortably. 

Martí Majó


Martí managed the progect to get out of everyone the best they had and even more. His priority was to make the best final product possible.

José Rodríguez


I'm responsable about decisions that we make on proyect. My task is to do the game funny

Marc Samper


My Name is Marc Samper, I am the responsible of the QA in our project. My function is to make sure all the game works perfectly without any bugg.

Pau Serra


"The mission of Pau is to have a cohesive art/audio. Supervise every creation of art and the balance of the audio.“

Julià Mauri


I'm the responsable of the user interface, display the information and interact in a clear way to the player.

Social Networks

CITM, C/ de la Igualtat, 33, 08222 Terrassa, Barcelona
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