Julià Mauri


This area I explain the work contibuted to the game. Principally the code of the user interface and some art.

UI Document

I've written document explaining all the elements that will be added to the game during development. Considering keep an art comparable to the original Age of Empires.


UIManager & Button

Basic code to set up the entire user interface, revised and recoded with Marti. Contains funtions to assemble all the scenes with ease.

Top hud

  • Resources info

Shows ths total player resources.

  • Menu in Game

Player can load previous chechpoints, exit the game, surrender..., in game.

Down hud

  • Panel Info

This panel provides the info of a individual entitie or a group of entities selection. The player can select one entitie from a group selction, change group selection to one selection.

  • Town Hall bar life

Show the life of the main building.

  • Description

Gives information to the player from some elements of the user interfecte. For exemple, the entities name and prices.

  • Panel Buttons

A button system on the player can interact with different elements in game.

  • Minimap

The player can move with the minimap with a click, shows the entities on the map and the camera position.


I worked to obtain the original texture of the original game to adapt it in our game: hud, some icons, buttons ...

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