José Rodríguez
I'm José Antonio Rodriguez Millán, and in this page i will explain what i did on the proyect Age of Empires - Defenders
In terms of design on proyect I keep the team cohesionated about features or possibles features and ideas that I or our team members contribute. By later, the team members show me his ideas and opinions about how we will do some things. I evaluate and we arrived to a conclusion. Later we implemented in the game.
Game Design Document
I was with the leader revising and doing the structure of the document. He wrote the most part of them. Now I have revised the document changing the parameters or towers that are not in the game.
Also, I have done the tech document.
Helping members
Also leader orders me to do some things that we need it at the moment. That issue wasn't contemplated on milestones or need it before other things. Like icons bugs textures or helping Julia on photoshop construction bar/hp .

I did a questionnaire about our Beta game. Doing questions about gamplay, user interface and user conclusion.
With this I try to search problems that users have with the game and view their opinions. I talk with members of the group and think about what type of things can get better the user experience.
Link: Beta
Link: Answers
I did almost all textures and sprites with the respective xml. Most of this task I have done with photoshop and write an on xml one by one. Now I will show some examples.
Texture or sprites

Corresponding xml

My work with code has been basically tasks related about a lot of balancing waves and some little changes like camera movement or all types of towers implemented in code.
About balancing I implemented and made changes on the towers, his upgrades, resources, units and waves. At latest this changes is all parametrics except the freezer of ice tower and the area damage of bombards towers.
Also I, implemented that all types of tower upgrades need a bit of all resources to upgrade an elementary tower.

About QA i did a lot of iterations and a lot of testing with users. Also, I did testing on CITM with some users with the same computers that we will present our game.
Bugg Fixed
I fix some bugs relationated with the hp or attack of turret upgrades, units waves, UI information, description of things and when it loads a saved game.
Social Networks
Although I'm not very good on social networks, I tried to be attentive to them and upload to the internet all things that we do. On facebook twitter and YouTube.
Also, I did the Gameplay video and the structure of this web.